Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekends in New York

Friday was a teaser: 50 degrees and sunny. Then it got progressively colder as the weekend dragged on. Contrary to popular opinion, I think that warm days in the middle of January are depressing. You're given one really nice day but the niceness only makes you think how crappy it's going to be the next day, when you're freezing again. It's like being given slice of pizza but only being allowed to eat one bite.

Friday night I saw that Leo/Kate reunion movie, Revolutionary Road. It was pretty good. Kate Winslet is a terrific actress, and Leo's pretty good too. I've always liked both of them, but I felt that the transition from book to movie was a bit awkward this time. I went with a friend who's read the book and she said quite a bit was missing. The night as a whole was fun though, as I spent time with some friends I haven't seen in a while.

Saturday night I was supposed to hang out with Ashley and some of her girlfriends but instead hung out with two of her male roomates. I hadn't met them before but we had a good "dude" time.

Yesterday I was ridiculously productive: cleaned the apartment; went grocery shopping; got some stuff with Ashley for her new apartment; helped make dinner; packed lunch for today...the list goes on. Anyway, a good weekend that happily wasn't ruined by teasingly warm weather.

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