Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can't Stand to Lose, Can We?

Caroline Kennedy officially withdrew from the pseudo-race for Hillary Clinton's vacated NY Senate seat due to "personal reasons." This shouldn't come as a surprise. All her life, Kennedy's been riding the coattails of her famous name and relatives. She thought that all she had to do to become a Senator was declare that she wanted to be one.

When she realized it would actually take hard work and a bit of skill that she seemed to lack, she did what you'd expect any self-entitled child to do: she quit. New Yorkers should breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if a Senatorial candidate can't take the stress of a campaign, how is she going to take the stress of the job itself? What if one of her bills didn't pass; would she just 'quit' the Senate?

Of course there might be other reasons why Kennedy withdrew her name from consideration. Maybe her kids really didn't want her to run. Maybe she's concerned about her uncle, Ted Kennedy, and wants to spend more time with him and the rest of her family. But even if that were the case, shouldn't she have made that decision back in December rather than half-assing it until the end of January?

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