Monday, April 27, 2009

I Return

To My Loyal Reader:

I've been slacking in updates for no particular reason. Maybe the transition from winter to summer has made me feel less creative/productive.

On that front, I'm really looking forward to this summer in the City. Last summer I was dealing with a bed bug infestation and the accompanying move. I spent May/June/July sleeping on Ashley's parents' couch and on a crappy sofabed in my sweltering, windowless apartment. I spent most of the month of July searching for apartments, and a good bit of July/August moving into the substantially larger apartment where I currently reside.

This summer I'll be free from the bedbugs and I won't be moving, so I'll have a lot more time to devote to pleasurable activities: hanging out, going to the beach, lounging, seeing concerts, and doing all the other free stuff that NYC is supposedly famous for. I'm sure there will be plenty of updates to be made. In addition, I have several vacations planned: North Carolina with my grandparents in July, Ocean City with Ashley's parents in early August, and a late-August trip to Mt. Tremblant with Ashley.

Anyway, here's to summer. And screw the swine flu.