Monday, July 7, 2008

Time Out from Politics

I've decided that I'm going to avoid reading political columns/articles/polls for the next couple of months - at least until the party conventions at the end of August. I was up to my eyeballs in political literature for the first half of this year.

I read just about every political article that I could find, and analyzed every poll. But once Obama clinched the nomination after Indiana and North Carolina, I just really got sick of it. I've even mentioned to people that I'm tired of Obama - tired of reading the same types of stories about him, tired of reading his on-message quotes over and over again. I wonder if he gets sick of his own quotes.

The point is, I'm going to try to avoid all that crap for the next couple of months so I can get excited again in the fall. I'm not optimistic about my chances for success, though, seeing as I spend nearly my entire day perusing the net. It makes one wonder what people did before the age of the political blog, and of the internet itself.

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