Monday, March 2, 2009

The Insanity of Greg Anderson

For most of us, choosing between testifying at a trial about things most people already know you did, and spending an indefinite amount of time behind bars, would be pretty simple. We'd tesfiy. But Greg Anderson, Barry Bonds' disgraced former trainer and alleged provider of steroids, apparently would rather go to jail than testify against Bonds. According to ESPN, Anderson has once again refused to testify about Bonds' alleged steroid use, this time in Bonds' perjury trial that's scheduled to start in March. Mind you, Anderson has already spent a year in jail when he refused to testify in front of a grand jury investigating Bonds for steroid use a couple of years ago.

No one understands why Anderson won't testify: loyalty to Bonds? fear? insanity? Maybe he's afraid that once he testifies, the Feds will charge him with distribution of steroids. But it also seems crazy that the Feds wouldn't have offered Anderson a deal to avoid jailtime in exchange for testifying against the guy that the government really wants: Bonds.

For my money, I'd bet that all the steroids that Anderson dealt, and presumably did himself, have somehow warped his brain, shrinking it along with his cojones to the size of a pea. Or maybe he's just not afraid of prison because the steroids have made him so strong that he'd dominate any prison they threw him into.

It can't be that he's just saving the details for a future book deal, can it? That would be too cynical, too unbelievable...but then again, it'd sell millions.

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