Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Working on Christmas Eve

Out of a legal department of around 20 people, there might be 2 or 3 working today, including myself. You'd think that coming in on Christmas Eve would be a terrible thing, but to be honest it's not so bad.

I'm getting paid for a full day even though I'll probably only stay here until noon. On slow days like this I can almost hear my bank account growing before the inevitable weekend depletion.

I can basically phone it in on quiet days like this. I had NO new emails in my inbox. NONE. Plus both of my bosses are on vacation.

I don't have to travel very far to my parents' place, and coming to work gets me out of bed and I probably won't get on the road (train) any later than I would if I allowed myself to sleep in.

Anyway, just some quick thoughts for those people stuck in their cubicles on December 24th.

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