Friday, May 30, 2008

Strange Things I've Seen So far

This is a random, spur of the moment type entry where I'd like to catalogue, for my own enjoyment, the funny and strange things I've seen in the 10 months I've lived in NYC.

--Woman dressed as mermaid, complete with bikini top, lying on the sidewalk outside my office building

--Man dressed in women's thong leotard with fishnet stockings running down the street on the UES

--Man in bright yellow suit/pants with a big fur jacket and neon orange shoes hailing a cab in SoHo

--Group of overweight men and women dancing in the rain outside Penn Station wearing daipers...and nothing else

--Old man in the subway proclaiming that "Jesus Christ was a Negro. That's why black people play football so good!", and "The Bible says: never hit your mama, or God will kick you in the behind. The Bible also says: never have sex with your grandfather", and "All Negroes are Jews. J-E-W-S. All white people are homosexuals."

--Drunk guy in the subway at 2pm chugging a bottle of wine and throwing his empty Coke bottle at other passengers

--A tiny dog dressed in a yellow rainjacket and wearing four black rainboots

--Homeless guy near 8th and Broadway with a sign that says "Voldemort broke my wand. Need money for new wand."

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